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The Best Campus Celeb Quote’s Of This Semester!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Strath chapter.

We have had some amazing interviews this semester so to celebrate we decided to narrow down our 5 favourite quotes!


“I don’t believe that anyone has the right to take away any human rights from someone else and when one of my friends was being detained of course I fought for her until my last breath and that’s’ what I did and I will do it again.”


“I also learned that American people absolutely love Scottish people and they think we all sound like Merida from Brave.” 


“We haven’t got any serious rivalry going on, but we do always aim to beat Glasgow University.”


“The people I teach come from very poor backgrounds, victims of sex trafficking, orphans, disabled…I can honestly say they are some of the most determined people ever.”


“I think that the Strathclyde Women’s Rugby team is unique in that way, it’s a very inclusive team that supports you and allows you to develop both as an athlete and a person.”