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The Six Stages of Enrolling in Classes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

Most people associate November with Thanksgiving. College students associate it with enrollment. Enrollment can be fun (rarely but it’s possible) but usually, it’s very stressful. Sometimes the classes that we want and need don’t want and need us. We go through a whirlwind of emotions as we try to make our next semester the best that it can be. It takes a toll on us and makes us feel a lot of different emotions.

Stage One: Excitement

That moment when you find all of the classes that you need and a way to fit them into your schedule. You’ll get to sleep in, you’ll have breaks, and the professors will be amazing. Life will be good!

Stage Two: Optimism

Sure you have to wait two weeks to enroll. It’s no big deal. The classes won’t fill up. Everything will be okay. You’ll be just fine.

Stage Three: Realizing Reality

Your perfect classes, it turns out, are other people’s perfect classes as well. These other people, whomever they are, are lucky enough to enroll first. You realize, you won’t get everything that you want. It’s not a fun realization.

Stage Four: Freaking Out

I won’t get any of my classes! My schedule will suck! My semester will suck! EVERYTHING WILL SUCK!!!!

Stage Five: Making Sacrifices

You may have to take an 8:30am class but at least you’ll get all the classes that you need. It won’t be perfect, but it will be okay.

Stage Six: Relief

After you finally enroll, you’re so glad to be done. Did everything turn out the way that you wanted? Nope! Does it even matter at this point? Nope! It’s over and you’re done. That’s all that matters.


Beauty lover surviving college one step at a time!
Her Campus Stony Brook Founder and Campus Correspondent Stony Brook University Senior Minnesotan turned New Yorker English Major, Journalism Minor