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SBU’s Alternative Spring Break Outreach

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

Name: Bryan Nguyen, President

Year: Junior

Major: Biology

Hometown: Hauppauge, NY


Name: Bhavana Patil, Vice President

Year: Junior

Major: Biochemistry

Hometown: Newburgh, NY


Name: Daisy Lei

Year: Senior

Major: Health Science 

Hometown: Brooklyn, NY


Name: Allison Asher

Year: Sophomore

Major: Psychology with Biology Minor

Hometown: Hicksville, NYWhat is Mission of Alternative Spring Break Outreach (ASBO)?

Bhavana: “We want to inspire growing leaders in society that they absolutely can make a difference in the world and have a great time in doing so. We hope to open people’s perspectives by taking them to a new place and explore issues they may have never encountered and make a difference about it. The ASBO trip may be a short one, but it leaves memories and the inspiration to last a lifetime.”  

Daisy: “ASBO’s mission is to promote critical thinking, social action and civic engagement for a lifetime by combining education, reflection and direct service on the local, regional, and national levels. ASBO trains and immerses students in a purposeful service experience designed to connect students and community members while enhancing growth, mutual awareness and life-long learning.” 

Why Did You Join ASBO? 

Bryan: “I joined ASBO because I liked the motive of the organization and wanted to volunteer.” 

Bhavana: “I’ve always wanted to volunteer my time in a meaningful way. It’s an indescribable feeling to be part of a community that has that same goal. When I joined, I wasn’t entirely sure of what I was signed up for, but as soon as we started working I realized what an impact I could make. Some community farms in Nashville bring healthy food to underprivileged people in food deserts and teach young children the importance of good nutrition. Running solely on volunteers, people like us become necessary for these organization or it just won’t happen.” 

Daisy: “I joined ASBO because I have always had a passion for volunteering throughout high school, but in college, I became less involved in it and I wanted to get back into it. I also wanted to gain a new experience and travel to a new place.” 

What is your favorite ASBO memory?

Bryan: “My favorite memory was actually working in the cold food packing room and collecting together foods .” 

Bhavana: “My most impactful ASBO memory was while serving breakfast at a rehabilitation shelter. A woman turned to me and said ‘Thank God for people like you. You make me feel like I’m worth something.’ We don’t realize how far even a small act can go for others. We must keep that in mind and be grateful in everything we do.” 

Daisy: “My favorite ASBO memory is actually my first day volunteering in Nashville. My group was sent to help out at a local soup kitchen they delivered meals to low-income neighborhoods in Nashville. I personally like cooking, so it was really fun for me to make cole slaw and fruit salad to provide for people that do not have access to nutritious foods like I do. It was also fun because I was  working with and getting to know people that shared a common interest in helping others. The most amazing part of ASBO is the friendships that you build from just a week long trip.” What is this Year’s Service Trip?

Daisy: “This year’s service trip is about flood relief and rebuilding homes. We will be traveling to San Marcos, Texas to help rebuild homes affected by the Memorial Day and All Saints Day floods in 2015. Living in New York City, my family was affected by Hurricane Sandy a couple years back. I remember I had no electricity or hot water for days, but I can not imagine what it must be like for people to lost their homes. I cannot begin to fathom what it must feel, and I feel very fortunate that I still have my house to live in.” 

Why Do You Love ASBO?

Bryan: “I love ASBO because of the community it creates.” 

Bhavana: “I love that it is an amazing opportunity for people to not only get out there and grow as a person but also to do their little bit for the world. If we all did a little bit for the world, we’d be in an even more beautiful place.” 

Daisy: “I love ASBO because it is more than just a week-long service trip. This trip is an immersion trip where you are not only doing service, but also learning about the life of others and exposing you to the problems in the world around us. In addition, ASBO provides a very supportive environment for you to grow whether it be socially or academically. Over the course of one week, everyone learns the essence of teamwork, communication and compassion.” 

Allison: “I love ASBO because it’s where I met a lifelong group of friends. It’s cool meeting awesome people and it’s even cooler when you know they love helping people as much as you do. Whenever we all get together it’s always a good time and it’s awesome knowing such a large group of people has my back.” 

Her Campus Stony Brook Founder and Campus Correspondent Stony Brook University Senior Minnesotan turned New Yorker English Major, Journalism Minor