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Reflections on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

Now that Valentine’s Day is past, some people are still clueless as what to get for their beaus. Fret no more! Whether you are currently in an ongoing relationship with someone or just casually dating, I have compiled some tips that can help you pick out the perfect gift for future Valentine’s Days. Plus, you will get some insight into what some of Stony Brook’s finest men have to say about this special day.

I have always wondered what men think about Valentine’s Day. I have also struggled with picking out a gift for my partner. With the semester underway and a list of other important things to do, finding a gift for him can be pretty demanding. Does he even care if I get him anything? If so, will the cost of the gift matter? Will a simple, but thoughtful card do?

According to first-year grad student Vardhaman Lakhani, 22, gifts really do not matter. Vardhaman has been with his girlfriend for two years, and says that a simple card is fine. For fourth-year grad student Abbasali Tavawala, who is 26 and single, the day matters as far as showing appreciation for a partner is concerned and he also said that a card would do. Another student, Abishek Shukia, 22, agreed as well. Are you starting to see a pattern here, ladies? Last but not least, we have senior Juan Disla, 22, who has been in a relationship with fellow Stony Brook student Sara Morales, 22, for a little over a year. Juan feels that when it comes to Valentine’s Day, the price of the gift is not very important; what’s most important is that you express to your partner your appreciation of him. A simple “I love you” works.

After speaking with about a dozen guys on campus, I can report that they all had nonchalant attitudes toward Valentine’s Day. So, ladies, the lesson of the day is not to drive yourself crazy picking out a last minute gift for your guy and not to overdue it; guys prefer simplicity and sincerity. Most men appreciate cards, and many reported that they do not mind staying in rather than going out to celebrate.

But for all you ladies that insist on getting your other half a gift, here are some popular ideas: candy, shirts, phones, electronic gadgets, sneakers, watches, sports jerseys, sunglasses, and video games. From my interviews with several men on campus, I gathered that electronic gadgets and sneakers are the most preferred gifts. And there you have it, ladies: an insider’s guide to what guys really think about Valentine’s Day!