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Meet Tiffany Fernandez!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

Basic info: Tiffany is a Senior Biology Major with a minor in Leadership Development.

Why did you decide to come to Stony Brook?
Stony Brook has a great science program so I thought it would be the perfect fit for me. Also, I was not ready to leave my family. I live in Port Jefferson, so the commute is literally ten minutes. I am able to be on campus as long as needed and hang out with my friends and still come home to a home cooked meal.

What are your plans after graduation?
I hope to go to medical school. I would like to specialize in fertility-love children.

How do you stay involved on campus?
As Vice President of Commuter Student Association, it is my job to stay informed to let commuters know what’s going on. I read The Statesman and visit the Stony Brook website. Mostly, I learn about important news when visiting the Dean of Student’s office and by talking to other student leaders on campus. Also, I pay attention to flyers and posters all around campus. Apart from being VP of CSA, I am Co-Chair of the campus involvement project, which started the “25 things to do before you graduate.” I am also a commuter assistant for Commuter Student Services and help incoming students acclimate to college, and I am part of the Stony Brook Wolverettes, an all-girl a capella group that sings the national anthem at various sporting events.

As a commuter student, how do you balance school, extracurricular activities, and life outside of school?
It is very difficult to do many things as you can lose sight of priorities such as school and family but you learn good time management and also dedicate yourself to things that are manageable; that way you do not overextend yourself and not enjoy the activities you are involved in.

What is the best part about being a student at Stony Brook?
The opportunities here are like no others. The people that educate us are world-renowned and the student body is so diverse. I feel that if students really take initiative, they can easily find their passion.

What resource on campus do you think every student should make use of at some point during their four years here?
The Career Center; it is such a good resource for internships, jobs, and careers. I wish I knew about it sooner. I actually found two part-time jobs through Zebra Net that I loved, and was able to make great connections.

What classes have you enjoyed most?
There are so many, but one that stands out is WST 401: Maternal and Fetal Medicine. I was able to watch a vaginal birth at Stony Brook Hospital and share that moment with the mom and new son. It was a beautiful and magical moment that I felt honored to witness, and it made me want to go into fertility.

What is your favorite thing to do on Friday nights?
I love doing different things. If there is an arts festival or a show at the Staller Center, I will usually go with some friends. But if not, I go to the movies or just have dinner with friends.

Who is your role model?
My mom; she taught me everything I know, and is a successful businesswoman who owns and runs multiple real estate firms. Her work ethic and dedication really showed me that if you work hard, you can have it all!

Any fun facts you would like to share?
I trained classically for opera when I was younger, I collect masks from different places around the world, I love to cook, and I cannot leave the house without my chapstick!