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Meet Ryan Kawalerski!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

Name: Ryan Kawalerski

Year: Freshman

Major: Biochemistry, Minor in Accounting

Hometown: Buffalo, New York

Relationship Status: Single


How are you liking your first semester so far? “It’s stressful, it’s definitely stressful. But it’s a good kick to get going on stuff. It was a hard, positive impact on work ethic.”

What’s it like being so far from home? “Well, it’s certainly different, but one of the reasons I’m here is to be far from home. I like it, but sometimes I’m just ready to visit home.But it’s good to be far from home because you adopt a certain maturity. It made me want to reach out to volunteer and get a job because I was uncomfortable. I don’t like feeling comfortable. My track coach in high school said it’s good to feel uncomfortable.”

Speaking of volunteering, what organizations are you involved with? “Camp Kesem and Red Cross. I help out with blood drives. Back home I do a thing called Top Soccer; it’s a program run by a grocery store, actually. It’s for mentally disabled children. For about an hour once a week we take them out and play soccer with them.”

Other than volunteering, what do you do for fun? “I work at CVS. I like to go golfing every couple of weeks with a friend. I like playing the saxophone. Jazz music. I like the improv involved in it. I’ve been busy, though, so I’ve sort of given it up. Back home they do Shakespeare in the park, I like going to that.”

Are you into theater? “I like theater, yeah. I love being behind the scenes with music and stage crew. That was my favorite part of high school. That and track.”

What’s your Hogwarts house? “Ravenclaw. I’m a Ravenclaw. The house nobody cares about.”

Favorite book? “I started The Burning House which was really interesting and I’d love to finish it. Aside from that, Harry Potter and The Count of Monte Cristo.”

Favorite movie? V for Vendetta!”

Do you have any nicknames? “I have a few. Nubs, for one. I call myself Little Ry. My mom calls me Rye Bread.”

How about you draw a picture of yourself for us?

“I have wings. Life is raining down on me like a storm. I still have hope, though.”

Kaitlyn is a freshman at Stony Brook University and is majoring in journalism. She was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, but is definitely warming up to Long Island. Kaitlyn loves fashion, beauty, feminism, cats, and elephants.
Her Campus Stony Brook Founder and Campus Correspondent Stony Brook University Senior Minnesotan turned New Yorker English Major, Journalism Minor