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Justine Marfa: “So many feels.”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.


Name: Justine Marfa

Year: freshman

Major: physiology, pre-nursing

Hometown: Staten Island, NY

Relationship status: “…It’s complicated.”


HCSB: What is your favorite movie?

Justine: “Good Will Hunting. I feel like I can relate to Will Hunting. It’s such a great movie. I especially love Matt Damon and Ben Affleck because they are gorgeous. So many feels.”

HCSB: What is your Starbucks order?

Justine: “Venti iced coffee sweetened with toffee nut and half and half.”

HCSB: Who inspires you?

Justine: “My mom. She’s really hard working and dedicated. She came here when she was 19 from the Philippines and she had to figure out everything on her own. She’s so successful now. She’s been working in a hospital as a nurse for 30 plus years and that is sort of why I want to be a nurse, because she’s awesome and what she does is amazing.”

HCSB: What is your favorite place to eat on campus?

Justine: “Jasmine, the spicy pork dish is my favorite.”

HCSB: What is your favorite college memory so far?

Justine: “Roth Regatta. It was the best. We didn’t sleep for pretty much a whole week but it was worth it because we (Benedict College) won best in show (the moment it was annouced captured above). I love building and working with my hands and just working with everyone in general was a lot of fun. It brought us together at the end of the year and we made a lot of good vibes.” 

Her Campus Stony Brook Founder and Campus Correspondent Stony Brook University Senior Minnesotan turned New Yorker English Major, Journalism Minor