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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

I just started watching Grey’s Anatomy and I have to admit, I’m hooked.

Now I know I’m a little behind the times on this, but I finally caved and started watching Grey’s Anatomy. I have told myself for so long that I wouldn’t start another popular tv show because I am the type of person who, once hooked on a show needs to watch every episode as soon as possible. What’s fortunate about this show, is that there are 15 seasons available on Netflix.

Now I know what I’ll be doing during winter break!


One problem with starting a show so late in its run is the amount of spoiler alerts. Especially with a show as popular as Grey’s Anatomy, one look at Twitter, and I know what will happen to a specific character many seasons down the road. I feel that this happens with a lot of shows or movies. For example, a classic movie is the Titanic, and if your one of the few who hasn’t see it yet, you probably already know that there was not enough room for both Jack and Rose on that door. (Sorry for the spoiler if you haven’t seen it yet!)

A second problem is that the show has been running for so long that I have so many seasons to catch up on. A simple 2 or 3 seasons show would be easy and quick to watch, but 15 seasons, I feel that I need to catch up quickly before a new season comes out.


Has this ever happen to you? You become immediately hooked on a show, and that’s all you can think about. Every second of free time you have is spent on a new episode. With platforms such as Netflix and Hulu, watching these shows is so much more accessible. We are moving away from a time where the only way to watch a show was to watch it on tv during its scheduled broadcasting time.

I think that is why I have put off watching Grey’s Anatomy for so long. I always knew that it would be easily accessible and that I could start watching it whenever I wanted to.

Now I am not even finished with the first season yet, but I will admit this… I completely regret not starting this show sooner…it’s amazing!

Gifs Courtesy of Giphy.com

Lauren Dykstra

Stony Brook '21

Lauren is a current senior at Stony Brook University majoring in Political Science. She will also be receiving her MBA at Stony Brook through the Accelerated Masters Program. She loves to travel, listen to music and play with her dogs!
Forever in search of the next fashion trend and my delicious next meal.  Inspired by Blake Lively, Cardi B and Ina Garten. In love with food, fashion and long car rides. Not a fan of ketchup, sunburns and the smell of fresh cut grass