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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

I used to LOVE curling up with a good book in my free time. But as the years passed by and the assignments, extracurriculars, and the responsibilities of adulting all started piling up, it became easier and easier to tell myself that I simply had no time to read anymore. Recently, however, I decided I needed to do something to break the monotony of life in quarantine. Sitting at the same desk for Zoom lectures, eating the same leftovers in the fridge, binging the same Youtuber’s vlogs every night—I was desperate for a change. And so it happened: I took up reading. Even if it’s only for 15-20 minutes, getting in a few pages before bed has proven to be the perfect way to unwind after a long, hard day. 


In honor of my journey back into the world of literature, I thought I’d pay homage to some of the characters that first made me fall in love with reading.

Ramona Quimby- Ramona and Beezus

What makes Ramona so perfect is that she is essentially “imperfect.” She embodies the very essence of a childhood we can all relate to. She’s mischievous, imaginative, and just trying her best to navigate the adult world around her.

Damen Auguste- Evermore

Ok, so I admit this one was probably just a cringy teen crush. Nonetheless, I never read the Twilight saga so Damen was my first real exposure to the whole mysterious and brooding immortal concept.

Holden Caulfield- Catcher in the Rye

Although some of you may beg to differ, I would argue that Holden is by far one of the best fictional characters. Even with all his excessive swearing, I couldn’t help but sympathize with Holden’s desire to preserve his own innocence as well as protect the innocence of the kids around him.

Anne Elliot- Persuasion

A rather stark contrast to Jane Austen’s typical female characters, Anne could be described as passive and isolated from the rest of society. Yet it was precisely her introspective attitude and our knowledge of her deepest thoughts that made it so natural for us as the reader to connect with her.

 Dedé Mirabal- In the Time of Butterflies

Although I was initially frustrated with her “follower” mentality, by the end of the novel I came to appreciate the realism that her character portrayed: Just like Dedé, there were many other families who sympathized with the cause, yet were too afraid to join the revolution. While her sisters sacrificed their lives for the rebellion, Dedé plays an underestimated but important role in keeping their memory alive.

If you’re also a former bookworm but fell out of habit, now is the perfect time to pick up a book! It’s a lot easier than it may seem. Start off with a short, simple read. I guarantee you’ll fall right back into the groove. 

Cece Cruz

Stony Brook '21

President/Editor-in-Chief here at the Her Campus Stony Brook Chapter! I joined Her Campus in Spring 2018 as a Junior Writer and I am currently majoring in Journalism with a minor in Political Science. My personality is somewhere between Rachel Green and Phoebe Buffay. I call that balance. In my free time you can find me doing... I'm a college student, if I appear to have any free time I'm probably procrastinating.