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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

The anticipation and release of Crazy Rich Asians (CRA) was extremely exciting and caused a lot of commotion in the last few weeks. I went to go see the movie last Friday, and now understand why it has such a large following and great reviews. Being Asian myself, I felt a greater connection with the film as it explored the dynamics of Asian culture. I’m sure many other Asians who watched the movie felt the same way. In this way, Crazy Rich Asians serves as a stepping stone for Asians in the film industry and across the United States. Here’s how.


1. It shows Asian actresses and actors do exist in Hollywood.

Rarely do we see movies with a full minority cast. It’s one of the reasons why CRA is a monumental film for the Asian community. We are used to seeing white actors and actresses featured in big blockbusters instead of people of color. Furthermore, there have been incidents of white actresses being casted for parts meant for Asian actresses. Thus, CRA shows that there are Asians in Hollywood that are capable of performing and making a great movie.



2. It doesn’t conform to the stereotypical Asian characters we are used to seeing.

In the case that Asians are casted in American entertainment, they tend to fit into the stereotype of the unattractive, “nerdy” Asian side character. CRA disembodies these notions associated with Asian men and women by showing a wide range of diversity in their characters. For example, you have Jimmy, who is a wild party animal and Astrid, who turns looks as she lavishly spends her dollar bills.



3. It sheds light on Asian culture.

Throughout the movie, we see many examples of Asian culture and values. I think one of the main concepts was portrayed when everyone was making dumplings at the dinner table. Even though this may seem like a meaningless act, the conversation at the dinner table revolved around preservation of tradition. Asian families are keen on this and many other values, such as hard work ethic (also seen in CRA). Furthermore, we also get to see traditional Chinese outfits in a more modern take.



4. It allows for Asians to actually sympathize with the characters.

The portrayal of Asian culture in CRA gives another level of connection with the film for Asians. Not only do we understand the over-protectiveness of Eleanor over Nick, but we have experienced it ourselves. With this cultural link, it’s for Asians to sympathize with the heartache and struggle that each Asian character goes through in this film.



5. It features a lead female Asian actress.

With an all Asian cast, CRA thus has a lead female actress. This is an amazing accomplishment for Constance Wu, the actress, and the Asian community. Identifying as a feminist myself, it is great to see a woman of color being at the forefront of a popular film. It shows Asian women that they can achieve the same things that Constance has over her career.



Overall, Crazy Rich Asians is a great film and everyone should go watch it. Not only does in have a cute storyline, it also has racial and cultural significance monumental to the Asian community. We want to see more of CRA and films with minority casts!


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Junior Health Science Major
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