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8 Best Things About Rooming with Your BFF

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

1. You Snapchat each other from five feet away. 2. She unexpectedly leaves you custard buns on your desk with the sweetest, funniest notes. 3. The two of you can start talking at 9PM and still be at it by 3AM, and even though you’re both yawning like crazy and can barely keep your eyes open, you keep talking.

4. She’ll drive you to Target … or to the mall … or to get fro-yo basically any time you want.

5. When you’ve both been sitting in the room doing work for a long time and need a break, you end up planning study abroad trips together.

6. She becomes friends with the friends you bring over, and vice versa.

7. You have someone to lift your spirits after a long, crappy day. 8. When you both come back to the room after not seeing each other all day, it’s a celebration/reunion.

Kailey Walters

Stony Brook '19

I'm a simple girl. My idea of a good time is a quiet night with friends or curling up with a good book. Some of my other favorite things include running, swimming, people watching, and of course, writing what I know. Currently an English and Psychology double major with a Creative Writing minor, graduation bound in spring 2019!
Her Campus Stony Brook Founder and Campus Correspondent Stony Brook University Senior Minnesotan turned New Yorker English Major, Journalism Minor