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7 Ways to Help Manage Your Time

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

Whether you’re stressed out in college during finals week, or adulting in the real world, here’s a list of seven ways to help manage your time better!

1. Do the Hardest Thing First

Yes, I said it! Instead of doing what might be the easiest thing first do the hardest task instead. By postponing something more difficult until later on, you have a better chance of stressing over it and postponing it even more!

2. Set up a Routine that You Follow Religiously 

Time is the one thing you can never get enough of but seems to always disappear. Getting yourself into a routine can definitely help you. Invest in your time so you can use it more efficiently.

3. Set Up 3 Things You Want to Accomplish Every Day

It’s as simple as it sounds, be your own motivation!

4. Try Having One Task Help Set Up the Next Task

Trick yourself by doing work that relates directly to your overall project. Example: Paper? Do research to do the outline, outline to do the paper. Prioritize your list of things to do to help you with your next task, if it’s not on there, it doesn’t deserve your attention.  

5. Focus! Focus! Focus! 

Turn off your phone, delete all your apps if you have to and stay away from anything that might distract you. Pick a place where you don’t feel too comfortable and build your day around your main priorities. DON’T let distractions (online shopping, etc.) dictate your day!  

6. Don’t Overbook Yourself

Use a planner to block out chunks of time to edit your project or to do that lab report you know is due every Thursday. Want to write a book? Block time out every day from 7-9 P.M. to write it. Use your time wisely. Having a schedule that repeats itself weekly is better than giving every minute of every day to something specific.

7. Stop Waiting for the Perfect Time

There’s never going to be a perfect time to do anything. Just start with whatever comes first on your list, even it’s minimal.

Star Loving; Moon Child. Voracious Reading; Tea Hipster. With a passion for writing the world Gold!
Her Campus Stony Brook Founder and Campus Correspondent Stony Brook University Senior Minnesotan turned New Yorker English Major, Journalism Minor