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5 Ways to Spend Your Saturday Night

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

In an atmosphere rife with the stress and anxiety that accompany tests, homework and projects, many college students turn to the weekend with relief to relax and have fun. While some seek out a high-energy, social crowd at parties either on or off campus, others, such as myself, prefer to spend a relatively quiet night either with friends in a small setting or solo. Here are five ways I enjoy spending my time on a Saturday night. 

1. Watching a movie with suitemates and honorary suitemates in our common room. 

2. Wandering around Port Jeff with a group of close friends and happily taking in the sights, sounds and smells of the cute neighborhood. 

3. Face-timing or talking to my family on the phone.

4. Learning from my friend how to play piano in Staller Center at midnight.

And of course …

5. Listening to music in bed until I fall asleep.

Kailey Walters

Stony Brook '19

I'm a simple girl. My idea of a good time is a quiet night with friends or curling up with a good book. Some of my other favorite things include running, swimming, people watching, and of course, writing what I know. Currently an English and Psychology double major with a Creative Writing minor, graduation bound in spring 2019!
Her Campus Stony Brook Founder and Campus Correspondent Stony Brook University Senior Minnesotan turned New Yorker English Major, Journalism Minor