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5 Ways to Beat the Oncoming Winter Blues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

If you’re anything like me, it’s a little harder to enjoy the fall without thinking of the months of winter ahead. It’s cold, it’s wet, and it’s hard to get through. But don’t worry! Here are some ways to get you through the coming storm.

1. Stay inside!

This one seems obvious, but ladies, treat yourself and stay in one day. Appreciate the close proximity between your bed and the blazing dorm radiators, make yourself some hot chocolate, and settle in for a comfortable day. After all, there’s nothing better than looking out at the cold and knowing you’re inside and warm!

2. Go outside!

Sounds counter-productive, right? But it’s true – getting yourself to get up and get outside just for a little while can make you feel a million times better. You don’t have to go very far, but sometimes the little things like bundling up and leaving your room for the first time in who knows how long can get you out of whatever funk you’ve settled into.

3. Spend some time with people!

Sometimes when you’re in one of those really bad moods that can come along with the winter – it’s been cold for months, the sky is always grey, it’s never going to end – but the best way to bust out of it is to be around the people who make you happy. Meet up with your friends somewhere, and don’t back out if you can’t convince them to set up camp in your stuffy dorm room. Trust me, you’ll be glad you got out for a few hours and had some laughs.

4. Appreciate the snow!

With a Long Island winter, snow is absolutely inevitable. Why not make the best of it? Channel your inner child and go sledding, have a snowball fight, and build a snowman! And for the city girls: keep in mind, the snow won’t be a horrible gray slush absolutely everywhere like back home. A little beauty goes a long way.

5. Remember, it will pass!

You’ve survived countless winters before, and sometimes the only way to cheer yourself up even a little bit is to remember that spring will come again. Count down the days if you must, but keep an eye out for budding leaves and greenery. It might not seem like it, but winter can’t possibly last forever. 

Kaitlyn is a freshman at Stony Brook University and is majoring in journalism. She was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, but is definitely warming up to Long Island. Kaitlyn loves fashion, beauty, feminism, cats, and elephants.
Her Campus Stony Brook Founder and Campus Correspondent Stony Brook University Senior Minnesotan turned New Yorker English Major, Journalism Minor