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3 Tricks to Help You Through Exams

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

It’s midterm time and we all know what that means…WORK, WORK, WORK, WORK, WORK (insert Rihanna voice.) Whether it is a sea of group projects or tests.  it is hard to actually sit down and get a bunch of things done in one shot.It is a timeless tale of the internet. You turn on your computer with the frame of mind to really concentrate and 5 minutes into this you are on YouTube looking at cute cat videos, or shopping for that maroon lipstick you really do not need. (Okay, you definitely do but, wait until you get paid again.) All joking- and shopping- aside, you need to get stuff done and I’ve found these couple of tricks to help me do just that!

Put Your Phone on Do Not Disturb

Don’t turn it off! That is 100% crazy, what if someone needs you? I totally get it. And also if you did turn it off you’d be proving your mom right. Remember in the 8th grade when she’d force you to put your phone away and do homework? We get it, cell phones are distracting and rot your brain. We still don’t care.

Give it a time period, say to yourself, “Self, I am going to put my phone on do not disturb for one hour and see how much stuff I can get done.” The world will not come crashing down and you’ll be surprised at how much more you are can accomplish without looking at your phone every time it vibrates. It is okay you can go off the grid for a few.

Ditch the Coffee

As a coffee lover, it hurts me to even write this. In fact, my hands are cramping up and my left eye is starting to tear right now. But, I am serious, coffee can make you hyper and give you the attention span of a puppy. It will keep you up and it tastes wonderful, but it is not the best option when concentration is key. Instead, replace your study coffee with green tea or a matcha latte. This will give you the same energy as coffee with more concentration. If you need help discovering how you can down 16 ounces of grass, add vanilla to your matcha latte. If pure green tea is more your style, try adding some fresh lemon. Set Nightly Goals

Use your planner wisely and do not do it based on the week. “Things To Do This Week” is not efficient. You will wind up saving it all to the 4 hours you are free on Sunday.  Try setting nightly goals, break up your planner into days the week and pick based on priority or deadline three things you want to get done each night. Setting up your study or work schedule like this makes it all seem more reasonable. You are not left with 10 things to do at the end of the week and your anxiety will definitely subside. These are just a few tricks of mine. Everyone has their own productivity secrets. The point is to ensure you are productive get things done in a timely and healthy manner. Exam season is a tough time it is important to stay on top of things while protecting your sanity.

Coffee Lover, Professional Sarcasm Detector, Biotechnology Marketing Coordinator, Dancer, Part-Time Humanitarian. Just sharing the thoughts I know every 20-something gal has.
Her Campus Stony Brook Founder and Campus Correspondent Stony Brook University Senior Minnesotan turned New Yorker English Major, Journalism Minor