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Wholesome Things to do with Your Roommates

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

I don’t know if it’s just me, but it is getting to the point in the semester where going out for another night of drinking seems insufferable. Not only is my body paying the price, but it just seems so repetitive. Same people, same places, and same pounding headache the next morning. Especially with final exams and projects coming up, it might be worth it to break up the monotony of the week and try something new. So besties, here are ten fun, wholesome things to do with your friends/roommates.

Spa Night

Especially during the height of the semester where projects, papers, and exams seem insurmountable, we often forget about self care. If you and your roommates are feeling particularly stressed out, set aside a night to pamper yourselves and unwind. You could do facemasks, blowouts, or even set up a whole nail salon. Not only will you have a fun night chatting with your roomies, but you will leave with glowing skin and a fresh set of nails.

Go to a Trampoline Park or Roller Skating Rink

My roommates and I went to a trampoline park a couple weeks ago and let me tell you: I haven’t had that much fun in so long. We spent about an hour jumping and flipping and battling each other on a plank over the foam pit. I will warn you though- prepare to be sore the next couple days.

Craft Night

We have all heard of wine and paint, but let’s share the love to all types of crafts. It would be especially fun to make friendship bracelets out of breads or embroidery floss for everyone to wear together. You could also make decor for your dorm/apartment. Throw on your favorite music or podcast, and get creative.

Go on a Walk/ Hike at a State Park

My roommates and I LOVE taking advantage of nice days and going for walks in our local state park. Not only is it a way to get outside, but you can also explore your college town and get exercise in the process. Plus, a lot of these parks are free, or pretty much free, if you have to pay for parking. If there aren’t any parks around, just take some time to walk around campus. 

Play a Sport or go to an Exercise Class

On the theme of exercise, going to a workout class or playing a sport with your friends is a great way to get active, while also hanging out. The best part is that this can also be a free activity as most campuses have free workout classes at the recreation center for students. Other campuses have intramural leagues like pickup basketball or pickleball where you can start a team with all your friends (if you want to get serious about it). 

Powerpoint Night

I have never laughed harder in my life than when I’ve done a Powerpoint night with my roommates. Basically, everyone makes a Powerpoint presentation about something funny and presents it. Themes can range from “Dumb Things I’ve Done” to “Stories about my Ex” and everything in between. I would say to set aside about an hour to make the presentation then about 2 hours for everyone to present. I know this article is about wholesome things to do, but if you wanted to include a casual glass of wine while watching, that wouldn’t be so bad. 

Cook Dinner

If you and your roommates are anything like me and mine, it’s very rare that we all get to sit down and have dinner together. So, set aside a night where everyone is available to cook and eat dinner together. If one person loves cooking, put them in charge of making the meal. Or, it could be fun to have everyone buy or prepare a dish to bring to the dinner. Even if the dinner turns out horrible and you all end up ordering a pizza, it will be a funny memory either way. 

Movie Marathon Night

Okay, I know this one is basic, but hear me out. On a rainy, cold night, pick a movie genre or series to stay up and watch with your roommates. Pajamas, popcorn, and movie theater candy are not optional. Some great series to watch include The Hunger Games, Pitch Perfect, and even some true throwbacks like High School Musical

Board/Card Game Night

You know that pack of Uno cards your mom insisted that you bring Freshman year? Break those out and have a game night with your friends. You can keep the night truly wholesome and opt for games like Uno and Monopoly, or you can add a little spice and play Cards Against Humanity or For the Girls. 

Make a Bucket List

When my roommates and I realized we only had a few weeks left of college, we immediately sat down to make a bucket list of things we wanted to do before we graduate. Some of these things included school traditions, going to places that are popular in our college town, or just doing something we’ve always wanted to do together. This idea is perfect for graduating seniors, or freshmen who are just solidifying their friend groups, or anyone in between. You can easily do this on Canva, Google Slides, or even on an actual poster board that you hang in the living room.

Kenzie Mannone

Stonehill '24

Kenzie is a Senior at Stonehill College studying Criminology and Sociology. When she isn't posting discussion boards, she's working out, scrolling on TikTok, or rewatching Criminal Minds!