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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

The Monday through Friday grind of classes, athletics, and clubs has been hitting me hard, especially after the first month of my senior year. I have found myself pushing through the weekdays just to get to the weekend when the shackles of academics and extracurriculars are released and you can finally let loose, relax, and have fun. But then it dawned on me, mostly because of a TikTok I had seen about how short life is if you just look forward to the weekends, and I realized I need to change my mindset. Looking back on the year, we are already 32% of the way through the semester, 15% of the way through the whole school year, and if you are a senior like me, about 79% of the way done with college to be exact (sorry, I’m a numbers girl). On top of that, one of my professors frequently reminds my class how many days we have until graduation, and I have also started the job application process, so my days at Stonehill are literally numbered and time is slipping away before I am a real adult working for corporate America. Below are some tips I am going to start implementing into my life to start loving my weekdays just (or almost) as much as my weekends and live life to the fullest.

  • Change up your routines and try new things

Giving yourself something new to look forward to every day is a great way to break the cycle of feeling like every weekday is the same. Whether it is going to the gym in the morning instead of hitting snooze and sleeping in or trying a new restaurant for dinner with some friends, breaking out of your everyday cycle is healthy and can give your day more purpose. Bringing a little bit of your weekends into your weekdays can be great, whether you casually hang with some friends or attend a sports game on campus!

  • Get a good sleep schedule

I personally am a night owl, so I find myself getting a second wind at night that keeps me up late and leaves me feeling extra groggy in the morning. Then, it affects my productivity the next day because it takes a little while to get out of bed and get my day started. I play lacrosse at Stonehill and on Thursdays we have our dreaded 6:30am practices, but as much as I despise waking up for them, it feels so great to get my day started after getting a good night’s sleep since I always go to bed early Wednesdays. Once I am out of practice on Thursdays, the serotonin is flowing, and it makes for a great day ahead! Having a good sleep schedule depends a lot on your time management, so try to avoid scrolling through social media for hours or pushing off homework and pulling an all-nighter at the last minute.

  • Unplug

A couple of weeks ago, I broke my phone but procrastinated getting it fixed for four days just because I was not looking forward to the financial sacrifice I was going to have to make. But I honestly really enjoyed my days unplugged; I felt like I could get my work done much faster without any distractions and the brief social media detox felt liberating. It also made me realize how often we look at our phones in social settings because I did not have one to go on, and I felt like I could be more present in the moment. 

  • Take some time to yourself

When you are wrapping up a stressful day, take that extra time to maybe light a candle, put on your favorite TV show, and throw on a face mask. A walk or run around the area may also be beneficial to briefly escape the mental pressures of homework and exams. A drive around town with your favorite playlist playing and belting out the words works wonders, releases serotonin, and will take your mind off whatever has been causing you stress or anxiety throughout the day. You can unwind and just forget about it!

A new podcast that gives plenty of more tips and insight on how to live life to the fullest is Fun on Weekdays with Jenna Palek, a 23-year-old who works a 9 to 5 job, but still manages to have fun every day of the week. 

I'm Julia and I am from Chelmsford, MA! I am a senior at Stonehill College where I major in finance, minor in economics and entrepreneurship, and am a member of the women's lacrosse team. I enjoy skiing, hiking, music, and hanging out with my friends and family. I also love boats, food, and straight-up having a good time.