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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

As we draw upon this year’s sweetheart fete, singles everywhere prepare to shut down their socials and go into hibernation with a double bottle of wine, accompanied by far too much chocolate. Simultaneously, couples come out of the woodwork to publicize their Nicholas Sparks novelesque affairs, really kicking us when we’re down. However, Valentine’s Day is not intended to be filled with discontent or envy. By definition, it is a celebration of love and affection. Who said that had to entail another individual? 

Being single is not equivalent to being flawed. It is not parallel to unlovable or lacking. You are more than enough. In fact, you are the most important person in your life. Contrary to popular fiction (aka every romcom ever), acquiring a romantic entanglement is not the goal of your existence. The expressions of love plastered on your feed are not the entire truth. Real lifelong love is akin to companionship, rather than red hot passion. Blatantly put, February 14th is the one day a year where couples are obligated to cast aside any issues and focus on their partner. Realists may suggest that this holiday is significantly centered around commercialism… but we won’t go there. 

Now I know what you’re thinking- “Who hurt her?”. Don’t get me wrong, I am a sucker for intimate connection. My track record of relationships/lack of alone time could make Saint Valentine himself cringe. As I have recently embarked on an era of solitary, I have realized how capable I am of satisfying my own needs and how fulfilling it is to do so. Which is why I am excited to spend Valentine’s Day alone, and after reading this, I hope you will be too.

Below is a list of ways to spoil yourself this holiday. I am wishing you nothing but positive vibes and self-love. Grab that double bottle of wine and get after it. Besides, it’s not considered drinking alone if you are your own best friend. 


  • Stay in and pamper yourself
  • Buy yourself flowers
  • Bake a sweet treat
  • Take a social media cleanse 
  • Celebrate Galentine’s day with your closest ladies
  • Take yourself out to eat at your favorite restaurant 
  • Movie marathon
  • Wine tipsy dance party for one 
  • Online workout/yoga class
  • Go over the top on takeout food
  • Or just go about your normal day, no shame in choosing not to celebrate


Brittany Eccleston Stonehill Lacrosse '22