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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

Take this quiz to find out what candy you are!


You are:

  1. Organized

  2. Impulsive

  3. Simplistic


You most value:


  1. Fun times

  2. Spontaneity

  3. Loyalty


Your summer soundtrack is:


  1. New and probably pop

  2. Indie

  3. Country or middle school throwbacks


Your ideal summer night is:


  1. Endless summer beach nights

  2. Going to a concert

  3. Relaxing


 You and your friends would most love to:


  1. Go on a mini road trip/ day trip

  2. Spend a day just going around town

  3. Go to a sports game


If you answered mostly 1’s:

Smarties/ gummy candy: You like to enjoy the fun parts of life, and what better way to do that than with a sugar high?


If you answered mostly 2’s:

Chocolate with something in it:3 musketeers, snickers, etc.: You add sass to life! Don’t just have your chocolate plain!

If you answered mostly 3’s:

Solid chocolate: You like to stick to what works! Solid chocolate will never fail you!


Olivia Cerretani

Stonehill '22

hi everyone! I am a junior focusing on wellness and hope my articles encourage readers to be their best selves everyday physically, mentally, and nutritionally! Be kind to yourself so you can be kind to others! Self love is the best love :)