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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.


It’s no secret that most college students will be partaking in an extravagant getaway once spring break rolls around. 

From Ft. Lauderdale to Cancun, I’m sure many of you have spring break plans. However, this ones for the girls out there going straight home for break. 

While going home may just be the break you need from all the college nonsense, there’s no question that seeing Snapchats and Instagram photos will soon flood your feed, of all your besties on vacation. How do you watch the stories while in your house, and not get FOMO? AKA the Fear Of Missing Out. 

I’m here to help you. FOMO is something completely made up in your head. Once you find things to distract you and make yourself happy, it doesn’t matter where you are or who you are with. Make time for yourself and be your own best friend this break! 

Here are some of my expert recommendations for how to avoid FOMO this vacation: 

  1. Take a nature walk 

While New England weather can be unpredictable, chances are that the weather will begin to be nicer. That being said, take some time out of your day to get outside and take a walk. Feel the fresh air, appreciate the blue sky, there are so many things in life that we overlook the beauty of. 

  1. Spend time with extended family 

While being at college, it is hard to stay in touch with all your grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles. I suggest using this break to spend time with them. These family members are the people who truly love you the most, and there’s nothing like making your grandparents day with a quick call to check in. You could play with your cousins, or go shopping with your aunt. There are many things to do to spend time with your family who you don’t get to see too often due to the craziness of school. 

  1. Learn a new hobby  

There are many new tasks you can accomplish while on break. Some of my favorite new hobbies I have learned are baking, drawing, and even teaching myself how to throw a football. Last vacation, my brother and I spent time outside and he taught me how to throw a spiral. It was a nice way to try something new and have fun. 

  1. Try a new coffee shop 

I LOVE a good latte, and I find that every small coffee shop tastes different. I really enjoy going all around my town and trying out new places. Some of my favorites from around where I live are Perfecto’s Caffe and Daily Harvest. I suggest leaving your daily Dunks trip behind and trying something new! 

  1. Connect with old friends 

Having best friends that go to other colleges is hard, but most of them will be home for spring break at the same time, so it is the perfect way to catch up. Go to your favorite places you guys used to go in high school, and it will be nostalgic. You will be able to appreciate and reflect on your friendship. If they are still at school, make a day trip to go visit them at their college. It’s always fun to live a day in the life of your best friend, and see them living through their other life. 

  1. Destress!

De-stressing is the main point of a vacation. If you’re like me, the thought of vacation means staying at home with no responsibilities. There will never be another time in life where you get to lay around and do nothing, so take advantage of it on vacation! Binge watch tv, get your favorite snacks, listen to music, and rest. Come back to school refreshed! 

To me, vacation is important for mental health and well being. So that being said, do what is best for your mind and body, and have a wonderful FOMO free vacation AT HOME! 

Chloe Teller

Stonehill '25

Chloe Teller is a junior from Middleton, MA. She is studying Communications and Journalism. Chloe is the News Editor of the college paper, and hopes to go into Sports Journalism one day. She is on the college Dance Company, enjoys hanging with family and friends, and spending summers at the beach!