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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

We have all heard it: DON’T CRAM FOR ESSAYS. Ok, mom, sure. But I have a life outside of my books. 

So how do I pass and have a life? 

The 5-minute plan:


1. Go to class and take notes! Just wake up and go! 

2. After class take 5 minutes and review your notes from class. 

3. Highlight what you don’t know or think you will forget

4. That night or before your next class day in that course, take another 5 minutes and type out in ONE document the few notes you had highlighted… Compile these all semester so you have one document for each course you are in 

5. The week of midterms reviews the full list!


Olivia Cerretani

Stonehill '22

hi everyone! I am a junior focusing on wellness and hope my articles encourage readers to be their best selves everyday physically, mentally, and nutritionally! Be kind to yourself so you can be kind to others! Self love is the best love :)