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20 Facts About Italy That We Learned Our First Month Abroad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

We ventured to this beautiful country in the eternal city about a month ago and woah was that quite the change. We have adjusted for the most part but still are amazed by the many new things that we learn each day in Rome. 


1. Jet lag is REAL (took us over a week to adjust to the time change)

2. The drinks are TWICE as strong as drinks in America

3. The stores called “Cannabis” do not sell weed

4. There is no to-go coffee and no iced coffee

5. You cannot take left overs home

6. It is extremely rude not to finish everything on your plate

7. Chicken parm does not exist and if it does than it is a trap and you need to get away asap

8. Don’t arrive at your travel destinations at night

9. Do not book a hostel if you are in a room of 4 and you have 3 people

10. ALWAYS have an umbrella on you

11. Learn some of the language or else your fucked

12. ALWAYS become friends with the bar owner (even if you have to flirt a little)

13. Showing your tits always equals free shots

14. Be prepared to walk miles a day

15. People here don’t go for a run and if you do you will feel very out of place

16. Sometimes when you ask for a cappuccino they will bring you tiramisu

17. Don’t expect to eat dinner between 5-8 because that shit does not exist

18. Don’t wear brand new shoes and expect your feet not to be covered in blisters

19. Dogs are always wearing clothes are very ugly

20. Wine is really cheap but vodka is a million $$$$

For anyone questioning if they want to go abroad or not, GO!! We have been here for a month and it is the best experience of our lives already!! Cannot wait for what the next 3 months have in store for us!


Ciao Ciao for now

Marissa Bazzano

Stonehill '20

Student at Stonehill College from Hartford Connecticut.
Julia Duplin

Stonehill '20

Senior at Stonehill College
Nicole Geraghty

Stonehill '20

Health science major at Stonehill College from Bridgewater, MA