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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stockton chapter.

Starting college two years ago I didn’t expect much. I didn’t plan to meet friends that would stay with me throughout my college career, and I sure did not think that these friends would either live in my apartment or right next door. I’d think: How much better can life get?

We may have had our fights, disagreements, and for sure, we have taken jokes way too far, but by the end of the day, we are still sitting in one of our apartments laughing about something that happened ten years ago, or how I was a strawberry for Halloween when I was younger.

Life throws you people to hold onto, and I have to say I was extremely happy to know that my best friends are the best four women to have ever crossed my path. They have stood by me through every finals week, every time I claim to be sick or injured and every crazy idea that I come up with.

Having a group of friends that spend every living second with each other is the best feeling ever. We work together for an organization we are all passionate about. We take classes together and study together, but my favorite part about this friend group is Crepe Night, where we all get together for a stress-free night of stuffing our faces with crepes. Life has seriously gotten better.

I have done everything with this group of people, from going to the beach, to 3 AM car rides to Wawa. I wouldn’t change this life for anything. These people have been through everything for me and as much as I don’t say it enough: I love you guys.

From last year to now, a lot has changed. We have all matured in different ways, and while each one of us has different personalities they clash together to make us better people. Without a single one of my friends, I wouldn’t be the person that I am today.

Without these people in my life, I would probably be miserable. I would hate every second of every day. I would be bored out of my mind, and probably still be hung up on that guy that rejected me four months ago. My friends mean the world to me, and although I keep calling them my friends, they mean more than just a friend, they are family.

Founder, Editor-in-Chief & Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Stockton University School of Business - Marketing Concentration | Stockton University