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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stockton chapter.

This week’s Campus Celebrity is 20-year old Vicky Nucci! She’s a Junior nursing major from Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey. On campus you may know her as the President of DPhiE, a student worker in the Office of Student Development or as Member of T.A.L.O.N.S. Vicky is what I view as the perfect Campus Celebrity. She’s friendly, a great leader on campus and a role model for students looking to become a great well-rounded student utilizing all of the resources we’re lucky enough to have being students at Stockton University.



What brought you to Stockton?

I visited Stockton the fall of my junior year of high school and fell in love. The beauty of the campus and the friendly staff and administrators really made me feel at home. From the moment I stepped on campus, Stockton had my heart.

What’s your favorite thing about Stockton?

It’s incredibly hard to pick a favorite, but if I had to it would be the insane amount of opportunity and room for growth that Stockton provides. Last summer, I had the privilege of serving as the Head T.A.L.O.N.S. mentor where I oversaw an entire staff of 40 student leaders. I grew so much and learned about myself even more through that experience.

What are your secrets to balancing school, play, and staying involved?

Setting priorities. I try and live by the motto “work hard, play hard.” So, I just try to keep that in mind.



What’s the most challenging position you’ve held?

Definitely President of DPhiE. There are so many people that need my attention all of the time. Plus, we are making a sorority from scratch so that’s been really time consuming, but all of my sisters, especially my Leadership Team members, have always had my back through this entire experience.

What prepared you for being able to be the first President of a new organization? Has it been everything you expected?

Being Head T.A.L.O.N.S. has prepared me best for this. This past summer, has made me step up and take responsibility for a large group of people while giving me skills and connections that are so helpful. Everything has been much more than I expected. I am so happy that I was so well received by my sisters and I’m really happy to be in this position. I love my sisters and I love DPhiE.



What’s a struggle you have had to face this semester?

Trying to find time for myself is definitely a struggle I face almost every semester. I never ever make time for myself, but I also don’t like down time. So I can’t ever really sit still long enough to relax.

What is the hardest part of being the head of such a large organization? What is the best part?

The hardest part would have to be making sure I have time for everyone. Trying to juggle 65 women and a Petition to Charter and school can be overwhelming at times, but the Petition to Charter is submitted so that’s one less thing to worry about! The best part is being able to oversee all of these outstanding young women. I love hearing about all of the great things that my girls accomplish. I feel like a proud momma!

Who are your role models and how have they inspired you?

My mom is my greatest role model. She is an incredibly hard working, intelligent, and strong willed woman, and she’s given me all of those traits. My mom has always been a go-getter and she’s always told me that anything is possible if you work hard, and she constantly embodies that.

What do you do to wind down from your busy schedule?

I love, love, love to watch Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal. So, shout out to Shonda Rhimes. I can mindlessly watch both of those shows for days and it relaxes me.

What’s your favorite decision you have made since coming to Stockton?

Joining DPhiE is without a doubt the best decision I’ve made since coming to Stockton. Being a part of this sisterhood has been a life-changing and beautiful experience. I love that I never ever eat a meal alone and I love that I can call on any of my sisters to make me smile. It is a ton of work, but it has absolutely changed my life for the better.

My name is California Watson and I'm a Junior at Stockton University. I grew up in Galloway and love where I live! I have a strong interest in fashion, modeling, and hopefully one day living in New York City. I have a HUGE Taylor Swift obsession and love going to the beach and reading in my free tim.
Founder, Editor-in-Chief & Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Stockton University School of Business - Marketing Concentration | Stockton University