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15 Things That Happen When You and Your Best Friend Have the Same Name

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stockton chapter.

1. You suffer together.

Anytime someone mispronounces your name, you have to call your bestie up and jokingly exaggerate the pronunciation to them so they’ll feel your pain.

2. You celebrate together.

When someone finally spells your name correctly you have to send your bestie a pic as proof that they finally got it right.

3. People look at you like you’re crazy.

When you’re with people who only know one of you and they hear you calling the other by your name, they think you’re delusional.

4. You make up nicknames for each other to avoid weird looks and confusion.

It ends up making it so much easier for everyone.

5. Your friends make up nicknames for each of you too. 

It’s beneficial for everyone’s sanity.

6. For some reason, people ask if you’re related.

Yes, “our parents” named two of their children the same thing.

7. If someone calls out one of you, they end up with double trouble.

If you’re talking to one of us, you’re talking to both of us.

8. If you’re the younger one, your namesake will constantly remind you that they had the name first and that you stole it.

Yes, because that’s how it works.

9. People refer to you as (insert name here)^2 so many times that you start to do the same.

It’s always a go-to Instagram caption.

10. Your jewelry collection is instantly doubled.

Initial bracelets and name necklaces are interchangeable between the two of you.

11. One of you is automatically deemed “Other (insert name here)” in nearly every social interaction in which the two of you are present.

So annoying.

12. You have to introduce yourselves multiple times.

When meeting someone new as a duo, you always have to confirm that yes, you have the same name. As if saying it twice initially wasn’t enough already.

13. People are skeptical.

“Wait, you’re both named (insert name here)?” 

14. You’re constantly twinning, but it comes with consequences.

When you share a name with someone, that’s the only thing you want to share at any given time. If you show up wearing something similar or match in any other form, it’s just creepy and one of you has to change.

15. You’ve shared an instant bond from the beginning and with that, you get to bond further over so many encounters simply because you have the same name.

It’s the best.

Founder, Editor-in-Chief & Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Stockton University School of Business - Marketing Concentration | Stockton University