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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stockton chapter.

Thinking about taking the pixie plunge this fall? Although there comes a lot of comments and compliments with the haircut, pixie cuts have become a popular and beautiful trend among the female population over the years. If you’re considering getting a pixie cut, you can prepare yourself for the experience with this list of stages that come with the process of getting your hair cut.

1. Walking into the salon with all the photos of the haircut you want.

2. Reaching the point where you have to say goodbye to your long hair.

3. Walking out of the salon feeling fresh with your new cut.

4. Then realizing that your hair is way shorter than you are used to and you feel super bald.

5. Your parents will enjoy giving you their opinions on your hair.

6. And you’ll enjoy telling them that you’re an adult and you can make your own hair decisions.

7. Your friends will tell you how rocker you look.

8. Some outsiders will tell you how adorable you look and make your day.

9. Some outsiders will address you as “sir” and you will just feel annoyed for the rest of the day…or week.

10. Then after a couple of months of back and forth, you finally decide to go back to the salon and get your hair chopped off again. (Repeat stages 1 to 9).

11. Because the truth is, you love your short hair and it makes you the happiest version of yourself.

Always remember to stay true to yourself! Rock your pixie! HCXO!

Image Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11