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5 Ways To Connect With Your Community This Fall

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stevens chapter.

The cold weather can leave us stuck inside and feeling bored at this time of year, and one way we can combat this is getting more involved in our community. Check out the following tips for ways to connect with your local community, and give back while doing so!

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  1. Visit Your Old School

Have you ever walked around your old school? Trust me, it feels different. Stop by your old elementary school and see if they need volunteers for any school events, or if any clubs that you are a part of can mentor students. Talk to your old teachers, visit your old class rooms, reconnect to all the things that made your years there special. Use what you loved about your time at school to make a brighter experience for the other students there now. 

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  1. Bake Something for a Neighbor

Surprise someone that you haven’t talked to in a while with a fall treat. Make a neighbor’s day by dropping off something to show them you are thinking of them, along with a special note to let them know how much you care. This not only gives you the chance to brighten someone else’s day, but also to spend a relaxing evening trying out a new recipe. 

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  1. Pet sit

This fall, lend a hand to a friend by watching after their pet. Offer to dog walk or stop by with food so they can enjoy a little break. Use this season as an opportunity to help furry friends too. 

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  1. Host a Study Group for your Peers

The colder months can lead to us all being especially bogged down by school work. One way to work against this is putting together a study group with your peers. Reach out to other members in your classes to find a common time to meet and study together. Study groups give us a chance to learn from others as well as teach them what we know!

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  1. Write a Letter 

Although in this day and age we’re so used to communicating via our phones and computers, take some time to return to the old way of sending a message. Write a letter to a loved one or an old friend letting them know how you’re doing and asking about them. Use this as a chance to step away from technology for a little while and use a different medium to channel your feelings.

Emily Johannan is a 3rd year Biomedical Engineering major at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. Emily was drawn to HerCampus because of her desire to bring light to important causes at Stevens and the surrounding area. In the future, Emily hopes to use biomedical engineering and her desire to write to pursue a research career in the field of women’s health.