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Why You Should Join Her Campus St. Kate’s

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at STCU chapter.

As you know, Her Campus St. Kate’s launched just this year in February! We are looking for writers who have great content ideas of what they believe we should be talking about, whether it is relatable or a topic that must be talked about on campus but isn’t enough; this is the place for that! There are also other great reasons why you should join the team! Here are questions to look through, if you answer yes to more than one, you should definitely reach out to Andrea Duarte the Her Campus St. Kate’s Correspondent at andreaduarte@hercampus.com for more information about joining or just getting involved. 

Want writing experince?

Need more social media experience?

Haven’t found the right club on campus?

Wish to have a community of friends who have the same interests?

Enjoy bonding events?

Love to get crazy with event ideas to bring on campus?

Have an urge to make new connections with others in the Twin Cities?

Do you like free things? 

Do you see yourself becoming a leader on the executive board?

Have a passion for social justice? 

Passion for sharing REAL news?

Wish to provide helpful hints to students at St. Kate’s?

Want to be involved in cute photoshoots? 

Looking for a way to gain experience and a fun time?

Need more friends?

Looking to get involved with national Her Campus?

Feel the need to write an epic bio with your face attached?

Hoping to have Andrea Duarte as your best friend?

Don’t do too much over thinking, if you believe this may be an awesome experience, try it out!

Andrea Duarte-Alonso is a grad from Saint Catherine University where she received her bachelor's of Art in Political Science, Women's Studies, and English. She founded HC STCU in order to include voices that are hardly ever represented in media. Andrea is a storyteller, writer, and a political enthusiast. Her areas of interest lie in writing (check her website storiesfromunheardvoices.com that was created for her community), traveling, and fighting for social justice issues.