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You’ve Survived Week 1, Now What?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.



You’ve survived ‘Week 1’, NOW WHAT?


In one way or another, we all go through Week 1, more than once during our college experience. We all know freshmen have their own Week 1, which usually starts on move-in day. But, upperclass men also go through Week 1. Which week might I refer to? That’s right! The first week after summer ends.

The first week is both blissful and difficult, and I am not just talking about school.

Summer precedes Week 1 and it might have been near the end of summer that some wrote or thought about their ‘New Year Resolutions’. WHAT ARE THOSE? Just like the name suggests, these are personal commitments to education growth and success for the upcoming academic year. They could be a promise to make it on the Dean’s list or achieve that 4.0 cumulative GPA we have all been wishing for.

During Week 1, after professors have presented you with their syllabi, you mark down all the deadlines for assignments and projects. You nurse a high spirit for reaching soaring heights. Yet, soon enough, laziness and lack of motivation starts to creep in and Netflix seems like the better option. But…what about that 4.0 GPA and the Dean’s list that you have been dreaming of for a while? Are they just going to be ‘set on the shelf to gather dust?’


Yes, while you have survived Week 1, let that fire and passion for school keep burning. Push yourself, write down your goals in your planner and on the walls of your room where you will see them everyday as a reminder. It might seem tempting to skip the reading but why not challenge yourself and see where that takes you!

In my 20s, enjoying the thrills of life and taking advantage of everything it has to offer. When life gives me lemons, I make lemonade AND conserve the seeds to grow more lemons.