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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.


Shaina Rud ’14

by Laura Erhart


Name: Shaina Rud

Year: 2014

Relationship Status: Single

Birthday: September 11

Major: Psychology, Philosophy






What do you love about Ole men?

“I love their zest for life! The Ole men that I encounter on a daily basis are always excited about something – whether the hype is all about an intramural game, a research position with a professor, or volunteer work, these guys are really driven, which is really attractive.”



“I love running and playing sports, listening to Prince and pop music, losing miserably at Cards Against Humanity and cuddling with puppies. I also have a healthy, normal, completely reasonable obsession with watching the Golden Girls.”



Activities you are involved in?

“I’m a sprinter on the track team (Go Oles!), I’m involved in psych club, and I went on the Ole Spring Relief trip last year. I also play intramural volleyball and soccer, but I’m kind of a naf. Can I say ‘naf’? I’m saying it anyway. It’d be wrong to censor the truth.”



Call or text?

“Either one is fine – I’m a psych major so I love communication! It’s wonderful to get a call, but texting is great for quick bursts of communication. If I’m having a long conversation though, I’d prefer calling.”



What is the most romantic thing you have done for a guy?

“Oh good gravy. Well, I’m not the most experienced traveler, and I haven’t been around planes enough to realize they’re not meant to be scary. When I dated this one dude, I actually got on a plane to visit him over the summer – I swear I didn’t move the whole plane ride for fear of tipping the plane, and I even hugged one of the flight attendants once we landed – that’s how scared I was! Seeing him was worth it though, and it showed him how much I cared. So that might not be the most romantic, but maybe the most brave? …Or maybe that is romantic?”



What is your favorite place to study?

“I work in the library, so I tend to avoid that as a study spot just because I spend so much time there already! Ideally, I’d study outside when it’s nice out – other than that, I like to tuck in behind the stairs in Buntrock by KSTO! There’s only one or two chairs there, so I’m either alone and studying super hard with no distractions, or there’s a rando and I’m forced to focus so I don’t accidentally creepily stare at them when I’m lost in thought.”



Favorite food?

“I love chocolate! If I could eat one food forever with no consequences, it would be champagne chocolate truffles. Off-campus, of course.”



Favorite movie?

“‘Sixteen Candles’ is my favorite! I’m a terrible movie watcher, since I always guess the plot and ask too many questions, so my movie exposure is pretty minimal. But so far, this is a winner.”



Any secret or hidden talents?

“I have really good aim…? I’m also speedy on the track, and proficient at broomball!”



Finish this sentence: A guy looks his best when…

“He’s smiling :D … Or in some sort of competitive mode. Maybe because I’m an athlete, or maybe because I’m crazy, but I find this attractive.”




Describe yourself in one word. 





Pet peeves?

“Gross mouth noises, and people who complain about how hot it is when they’re wearing multiple layers. It’s Minnesota – ya gotta learn to adapt!”



What is your ideal date?

“My ideal date would probably involve either running or roller coasters. Your move, Ole men.”



What she wants Ole men to know:

“Must love dogs.”



Best pick up line?

“One that’s always worked on me involves something along the lines of ‘Wanna go on an adventure?’”



If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

“I’ve always wanted to go to Australia – I’ve never been abroad before and warm weather, fun accents, and sunshine makes me happy! I’d be curious to see what the land down under has to offer.”


I write the Campus Cutie blog for St. Olaf Her Campus!