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Style > Beauty

Ole Thoughts: 10 Beauty & Lifestyle YouTube Queens To Binge Watch

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

If you are like my roommate and I, you might love to find fun and unique ways to kill time. One of our favorite ways to make time fly by is to hop onto the magical kingdom of YouTube and check out the latest in beauty and lifestyle! Because YouTube has millions of videos and thousands of creators, I thought I would narrow down my top ten favorite beauty and lifestyle queens for you to binge watch in your free time!

10.) Justine Ezarik aka iJustine

Justine has been technology lifestyle guru on YouTube since 2006! 


9.) Bunny Meyer aka Grav3yardGirl

Bunny has been a beauty and lifestyle guru on YouTube since 2010!


8.) Samantha Maria:

Samantha has been a beauty and fashion guru on YouTube since  2010!


7.) Ingrid Nilsen aka MissGlamorazzi:

Ingrid has been a beauty and lifestyle guru on YouTube since 2009!


6.) Grace Helbig:

Grace has been a lifestyle guru and comedian on YouTube since 2008!


5.) Nikkie de Jager aka NikkieTutorials:

Nikkie has been a beauty guru on YouTube since 2009!


4.) Laci Green:

Laci has been a sex educator and lifestyle guru on YouTube since 2009!


3.) Zoe Sugg aka Zoella or MoreZoella:

Zoe has been a beauty and lifestyle guru on YouTube since 2010!


2.) Louise Pentland aka SprinkleOfGlitter or SprinkleOfChatter:

Louise has been a lifestyle and beauty guru/vlogger on YouTube since 2011!


 1.) Michelle Phan

Michelle has been a beauty and lifestyle guru on YouTube since 2008!


Who are some of your favorite YouTubers? Let us know in the comments below!




(*All videos have been embedded for legal purposes*)