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Ole Fit: Weight Training

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Hello fellow Oles!

Let’s talk weights.  Many girls have a huge fear of incorporating weights into their workout.  Some prefer to substitute cardio for it, some lack time to do weights, and some fear they will become too bulky and masculine.

However, all of these ideas are myths!  Weight training is an important part of a healthy exercise plan, and all woman should make it a part of theirs.  While cardio is very important to fitness and should never be neglected, weight training is what tones you and gives you the tight tushy and defined arms that we all crave.  Overall, weight training helps you train harder and look better.  

However, starting to lift is intimidating; after all, who wants to venture into the weight room on their own?  So, to help you get started on basic weight lifting, here are some exercises (with illustrations!) to try with dumbbells:

Bicep curl

Defined arms look awesome! The bicep curl gives a little definition without being too extreme or difficult.

Triceps Extension

Make sure you keep your elbows close to your head!  This ensures that you are working your triceps rather than other parts of your arm.  Plus, it’s way harder!

Lunges with weights

Do forward, backward, and side lunges to ensure that you’re working your whole leg! You can hold weights in your hands for added resistance.

Squats with weights

We all want a tight tushy.  Squats ensures that you will get just that!

Side pull

This one is a little tricky.  Put your dumbbells in one hand and allow your abs to follow the weights downward.  Then pull up, thus working for those elusive side abs that we all want.

Overhead press

Strong shoulders look awesome on anyone, and this exercise will help you work them.

These are six basic lifting exercises that can help you make a foray into the world of weight lifting.  Do ten to fifteen reps of each of these exercises three times through, using two five to ten pound dumbbells (you can work up as you get stronger).  I guarantee you it will make you look better, feel better, and have a more effective workout. 

Stay fit, Oles!

cover, bicep curl, triceps extension, lunges, squats, side pull, overhead press

Maggie is a junior at St. Olaf, currently majoring in Spanish and Latin American Studies with a concentration in media studies.  She runs for the St. Olaf cross-country and track teams, writes for the school newspaper, and tries to do her homework in the downtime. Maggie enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, biking, skiing, and swimming.  She's excited to be a part of the Her Campus community!  Um Ya Ya!