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Tips for More Productive Study Breaks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Law U chapter.

With finals just around the corner and last minute assignments due, this is a very stressful time for college students. I believe that study breaks can be helpful in making your study time more productive so here are some tips in having more useful study breaks!

Take a Nap

Most of the time I find myself struggling to stay away during late nights studying or after a day of classes. A twenty-minute nap is super helpful in helping you to catch up on some rest and it’s very relaxing. Also if you keep a nap to twenty minutes it will not disrupt your sleep cycle.

Get a Coffee or Tea with Friends

Sometimes you just need a pick-me-up, and why not take a break to socialize with friends. Hanging with friends is a great way to de-stress and get your mind off of all the work you have to do. I recommend keeping this break relatively short to around thirty to forty-five minutes so that you can easily get back to work.

Check Your Phone – But Time Yourself

This was a great tip I received from my advisor last year. She told my class that it is ok to check our phones every once in a while during studying. Her tip was to time ourselves and set alarms on our phones so that we are not checking them for thirty minutes, but rather maybe fifteen minutes. This is a great tip because sometimes studying you notice that you are getting notifications which can be so distracting, so every hour take fifteen to twenty minutes to check up on your phone.

Change it Up

I find that sometimes studying in the same place for too long can make you feel fatigued. So, after a couple of hours of studying in the same place, get up and move to another place. Moving study spaces can help you be more productive and get more work done.

Take a Walk

In addition to changing your workspace, take a walk while you’re up. Getting some fresh air is so rejuvenating and a good way to take some time for yourself.

I hope these tips help you during such a busy time! 

Katie Leffel

St. Law U '21

Hi! My name is Katie Leffel and I am a sophomore and Campus Correspondent for St. Lawrence University, situated in Canton, New York. I am furthering my interests and pursuing double major in Business in the Liberal Arts and Economics as well as a minor in Film Studies. In addition, I am from Connecticut and my interest include fashion, art, exersize, and the great outdoors!