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Practicing the Law of Attraction and Manifestation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Law U chapter.

On January 1st, 2019, I did something small which left me in a more ideal headspace than I could have ever imagined. I decided my new years resolution was going to be to practice the Law of Attraction, and I was set on this. After going through more bad weeks than good, less motivation than ever before, and an underlying lack of energy for a few painful months, I turned to the Law of Attraction and Manifestation, and believing in these concepts ended up being my saving grace. Little did I know, immersing myself into these processes would better my life significantly and led me to be a more genuine, motivated, and spiritual individual.

As a preface, it is important to note that almost everyone has a slightly different idea of what constitutes the Law of Attraction, and manifestation is a process in which occurs at different rates for every individual; as such, there is no set in stone code book for how this process works. In this piece I will be sharing the general beliefs of these concepts whilst incorporating my personal thoughts and experiences.

Though the Law of Attraction might seem like a magical, dream-like creation, there are logistics behind it that work in steps that are not as theoretical and unbelievable as the skeptics may think at first glance.

The Law of Attraction can be considered “the attractive, magnetic power of the Universe that draws similar energies together… it manifests through your thoughts, by drawing to you thoughts and ideas of a similar kind, people who think like you, and also corresponding situations and circumstances.” (Success Consciousness).

The basis of the Law of Attraction rests on energy. The universe possesses energy, in which is distributed throughout in various forms of life and beyond. To me, I see the Law of Attraction as a give and take system. In life, if you put out specific desires and energies, those desires and energies will come back to you in one way or another, providing success and positivity, or, if you’ve put negativity into the universe, negativity will shortly come your way. If you have heard the idea that when you approach a situation with positivity, better things will come your way, you are essentially practicing this concept at a simplistic level without knowing it.

The first step in the Law of Attraction is setting an intention, or setting a goal regarding what you want to happen. The intentions can be as heavily weighted as starting a business to as small and seemingly miniscule as achieving a passing grade on your (what seems like) almost-impossible exam. The second step is possessing an overall, genuine, real, intense belief in this “goal” or aspiration becoming true. Then, it is important to make it clear to the universe you want this and believe in yourself achieving it. Talk openly about this desire, share your aspirations, and allow an open mind for this to occur. Once this thought is thoroughly engrained and this thought becomes a decision, and the next steps of your life you will prioritize the steps to make this goal feasible. But a simple belief in wanting something is not the only part of this process, and this is where manifestation comes in to make this aspiration a reality. Taking the proper steps, positioning your life to lead you to this goal and provide the willingness to make room for an attempt at completing this desire will open the path for it to come true. The power of the universe mirrors your efforts to make a dream a reality. This turns into manifestation, achieving the aspiration.

Here, I am debriefing the process in a simple 5-step outline I use personally to conceptualize the concept more clearly, and for the sake of understanding will be using a personal example.

  1. Set an Intention: For example, my intention for the Spring was landing my dream summer internship, and my intended location was New York City.

  2. Believe in this intention: Tell yourself this is going to happen, this is entirely in your own individual control to happen if you follow these steps, and that the universe holds the power to make this happen. I was absolutely set on making this dream a reality, and did not once consider that I would not have the potential to obtain the goal. If the goal is within reason, have full confidence in the manifestation of it.

  3. Spread this intention to the world: Telling family members and friends your goal, writing in a journal what your goal is, and being honest with yourself and open and consistent about the intention will open the pathway. When career services, professors, family, etc., asked me my plans for the summer, I was clear with what I wanted and did not hide the small details out of fear of this not becoming true. Explain to others what you want.

  4. Work towards the achievement of this aspiration: Whatever it may be, the intention does not become manifested without intended work to get there. For me, perfecting my resume, reaching out to the appropriate contacts, network, build experiences to get there, etc., were all steps to work towards the attraction of the universe.

  5. Manifest this goal: make it happen, in whatever way it might be whilst respecting the universe.

  6. Show the universe your gratitude: Express you are thankful to have been provided the energy to fulfill this aspiration and use the energy in a butterfly affect to lead to your other successes and spread the energy to others.

There are a plethora of different approaches to describing this concept. As complex and deep-rooted as it is, the method to achieving success and believing in the Law of Attraction can be simplified and obtainable with dedication. The universe holds power far beyond the human imagination, and while many believe that the Law of Attraction can jinx your successes, I am a true believer that the Law of Attraction has led me to be a better person and take hold of my aspirations and make them come true. It has helped me do far more than land my dream internship, and I am excited to see where this concept takes me in the future!

Kristen Phillips

St. Law U '20

Hi everyone! I'm Kristen! I am a Performance and Communications arts and Psychology double major, and plan to one day hold a career in the public relations field. On campus, some of my favorite things to do are get chai lattes at the bookstore, run the nearby trails, head into town for some kombucha, or hang out at my sorority house with my friends!