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Basic Czech: 10 Basic Czech Words and Phrases I Learned While Studying Abroad in The Czech Republic

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Law U chapter.

One of the most challenging aspects of studying abroad was learning the language. It was incredibly impressive how well citizens of the Czech Republic spoke fluent English. However, the effort of communicating in Czech and trying to learn the language was greatly appreciated by people from Czechoslovakia. Being able to carry a basic conversation in Czech as an English speaker was an important aspect of respecting one’s own positionality and the positionality of others. Czech, a Slavic language, can be difficult to learn for English speakers, however, it is a fun challenge. Here are some basic phrases I learned and helpful words that made basic day to day communication much easier! Whether you are planning a trip to Prague, planning on studying in Prague, or just looking for something to do while in quarantine, these 10 words/statements are something to practice/learn. 

  1. Hello = Dobrý Den (dobree den)

  2. Thank you = Děkuji (dyekooyi)

  3. Yes = Ano (ano)

  4. No = Ne (ne)

  5. Please = Prosím (proseem)

  6. How are you? = Jak Se máte? (jak se mahte )

  7. I don’t understand = Nerozumím. (nerozoomeem)

  8. Do you speak english? = Mluvíte anglicky? (mlooveete anglitskee)

  9. Nice to meet you = Těší mě. (tyeh-sheee mnyeh)

  10. My name is  = Jmenuji se… (Menooyi se)

Allison ("Allie") Attarian studied Psychology and Communications at St. Lawrence University where she was a Campus Correspondent for HC St. Law U. Allie was also a Campus Community Management Intern for the Community Team at Her Campus Media. Her combined passion for creativity, reading, and writing sparked her interest in joining Her Campus. She loves traveling, listening to music, creating visual art, and spending time with friends. Check out her personal blog here.