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What I’m Going to do When this Quarantine is Over

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

Stuck in quarantine isn’t as lavish as I thought it would be. It makes “dying of boredom” pretty literal. I was thinking about making this somewhat like a ‘Dear Diary…’, only thing is, I’m super lazy. That’s what Quarantine does to you. You live the majority of your life outside, eating food, having fun with your family and friends, and unfortunately going to school. Now the tables have turned, we’re all indoors and scared to death to even breathe if we have to go outside for supplies. Food isn’t at a surplus, basic necessities (e.g; toilet paper, face masks, bottled water, hand sanitizer) are limited and almost gone. It’s like all of us are competing to survive. I can’t live like this and I bet half the world can’t either. I remember as a child I would daydream about living indoors and not needing to go out because everything was at home. You could still go see your friends, but school was banned. Yeah, I know. My vision of a perfect world revolved around the idea of having no school. The reality we live in is somewhat like this now, but in the form a nightmare. I still have to do homework…

I just can’t wait to get out. I need to do so many things. I’m pretty positive the moment I get out of quarantine the first thing I’m going to do is buy from my favorite Chinese restaurant menu and eat it for the week. I’ve been craving that and McDonalds. Fast food is my weakness. The next thing I probably would do is definitely go to my best friend’s house and just be in her presence. She’s super fun to hangout with and we do the craziest things together. Thank Lord we don’t live together, we would probably be fined for disturbing the peace. The next thing I’d probably do is bake everything I can for my family. I’m not exactly great at cooking, but no one forgets dessert. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how much I can really handle when it comes to baking. I’m known for making one dessert a week, but now I’m increasing the stakes and I might just make enough to last a week. Who wouldn’t want to eat dessert for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Swing by me. If quarantine is over by summer, I think I might take on swimming. I’m not exactly a great swimmer but there’s always room for improvement. If you ever go to a beach and see something above the water and splashing a lot, it’s probably me, just letting you know. I also will definitely organize a barbecue for my extensive family and just bring everyone closer with food. What can go wrong? 

Shopping and going to the beauty store is definitely one of my priorities. I love makeup and everything to do with it. I’ve been wanting some new lipsticks and lip gloss and my best friend thinks I’m crazy for having the same color of lipsticks. If she was truly a makeup obsessor, she would know I have different shades. Some lighter and others darker. As for fashion, I need new clothes. Enough said.

Well! This is generally what I will definitely do once I’m out of quarantine. Hopefully all of yours are similar or even better!  

Devashri Narayan

St. John's '23

A woman who wants her voice heard and changes to happen.
Chanelle Norman

St. John's '20

Chanelle is a graduate of St. John's University '20 and former Editor-in-Chief for the chapter. When she's not sleeping for ungodly hours at a time she spends her time reading, writing and watching movies. She's pursuing her dreams of working in the book industry.