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Wellness > Mental Health

Taking a Mental Health Day: What does it Look Like?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

You’re halfway through the semester, midterms are ending, and grades are submitted. Whew, you need a break! I know that it may be challenging for some people to put down the laptop and not obsess over their next grade, but mental health days are just as important as test days. Here’s why! 

What is a mental health day? 

You might be wondering what a mental health day is. In an article by Gundersen, “A mental health day is a day meant to help reduce stress and burnout. It can provide a pause to come back with more energy, less stress and a renewed spirit”. Knowing when to take a mental health day is important, so listen to your body and take a break when needed. It’s also helpful to schedule your mental health days. By doing this, you can ensure you don’t have any work or responsibilities in order to fully decompress. 

How to spend a mental health day!

The best part about mental health days is that there are no rules! You can take as many days as needed and do whatever helps you destress! Some prefer to sleep all day, while others, like myself, enjoy watching their favorite show and eating their favorite foods. Here are 12 different ways to spend a mental health day, the best skin care masks, and the most binge worthy TV shows! No matter how or when you do it, take a mental health day! 


The importance of Mental Health Days. The importance of mental health days – Gundersen Health System. (2022, February 17). Retrieved October 23, 2022, from https://www.gundersenhealth.org/health-wellness/live-happy/the-importance-of-mental-health-days

Solei Carrasco

St. John's '26

Atl-NY Public Relations Major 🫶🏼 Lover of makeup, traveling, and food! All socials @ Soleijasmine 💕