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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

Candy canes… Snowflakes… Elves… Gifts… What comes to mind? 

The Holidays baby! WHA-HOO! 

Christmas specifically is what I’m excited about. I want presents. Tons! Truckloads! Can you imagine yourself swimming beside boxes filled with all the things you want?                                                              

If you guys haven’t noticed… I’m single and I know I’m not the only one. 

For those who have partners or are dating themselves, that’s really awesome! You’re also welcomed to read along, this doesn’t just pertain to singles out there. This is for everyone!    ​       

Some might think it’s super sad to be single on the holidays, but let me school you.                                                   

It is NOT

There is just something special about giving yourself the things you deserve. Pampering yourself, so YOU feel good. I personally find it all so relaxing. School… work… it’s all so stressful!

There is nothing wrong with buying yourself a new outfit or going all out and reserving spa days for yourself.            

When you’re single for the holidays, they’re many things to do. The only downside is probably having to buy gifts and having to wrap them for your friends and family.                            

As unexciting as that may seem, the rest is absolutely glorious! 

When your single for the holidays, the first thing you should do is hang out with your friends! My best friend and I enjoy each other’s company and when we’re together, fun and mischief ensue.                               

Nothing beats hanging out with your friends. You can make gingerbread men and frosts clothes on them, or watch a Christmas movie and arguing about it.  It’s all so much fun, so do something with them! Go out, have a good time and escape the world! Be adventurous and have snowball fights! Do whatever brings a smile to your faces and make lasting memories.                                  

You should also do other things that make you happy. Spending time with your family can also be fun. Whether if it’s baking with Mom, playing with your siblings, or even watch Christmas movies with your Dad, it’s not just enjoyable for you, but for them as well. 

These days, college and work take up most of our lives and it’s important to cherish our family and enjoy moments like these.                 

The holidays are super special. It’s a time of giving and receiving. It’s a time of happiness and joy. It’s a time for family and friends. It’s a time for yourself. 

People often look at the holidays as a time to gain things, materialistic things especially. That is not what makes the holiday special. It has meaning and that meaning is love and recognition for those who make our lives worthwhile and that includes you loving you!

Devashri Narayan

St. John's '23

A woman who wants her voice heard and changes to happen.