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Sick Of Being Sick? Here’s How To Fix It

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

With the changing of the seasons comes the passing of germs (So many germs) you are bound to get a cold. In the world today there are so many options for medicine that you can grab off the shelf any convenience store basically, but instead of pumping your body with chemically produced medicine here are some natural ways to fight that cold off (and a few ways to help shorten a flu as well).


Stores mostly carry vitamins because some people need them in their daily diet, but adding a pill a day when feeling a bit under the weather can help stop a cold from starting or even shorten it’s durance. When you start to feel ill make sure you eating healthy and then try adding Vitamin C, Zinc, or Elderberry as an extra oomph to help out your immune system.


Herbal teas also can provide you with antioxidants that can help your body make good enzymes to fight off that bad bacteria that’s taken control of your insides. Green tea is jam packed with good stuff. Colds are best fought with citrus like herbs so anything along the lines of peppermint, lemongrass, and chamomile even can help. Add a bit of honey and you’ll be golden. Honey has properties that are knowns to help with congestion and it also tastes good. Double win. (If you’re a fan of garlic that also helps fight colds and the flu)

Make sure that you are getting enough sleep when you aren’t feeling to hot… or too hot. Sleep allows your body to rest and time to heal it’s self rather than wasting its energy on trying to get you through the day.

Extra tidbits of helpful advice are to make sure to stay hydrated sometimes the best help your body can get is a bit more water.


Sunshine is also a benefactor in being healthy Vitamin D is an important contributor to our health and sometimes lacking the ability to produce it can result in lacking Vitamin D making you feel weak or sick even.

Other alternatives that aren’t exactly difficult for some would be to exercise. The sweating can help your body get rid of the stuff it doesn’t need inside any more. Then after you work out you can take a nice shower to make sure at least the outside of your body is clean since we can’t wash the germs out of us.


Carissa is majoring in Mass Communications and has an idea to pursue a double major in Environmental Studies and a minor in Business all while advocating for animal rights and sustainable living!
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