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Should Colleges Change Their Semester System?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

Should college semesters be longer or shorter? The majority of U.S. colleges use the 2, 15 to 16 week semester system in which students take 4 to 6 classes per semester. These semesters usually begin in late August, end in mid December, start again in late January, and finish in early May. However, many schools altered their regular semesters during the 2020-21 school year due to COVID. Most colleges sent their students home permanently for winter break in late November and didn’t provide a spring break due to safety measures, making the spring semester shorter as well. Some students enjoyed this temporary shorter semester system more than the regular semester system, which sparks the question, should colleges change to a shorter semester permanently?

Although all colleges didn’t fully embrace the college quarter system, they did slightly mimic it with their shorter semesters in the 2020-21 school year. The quarter system is a shorter college system in which students take their classes in 4, 10 week periods throughout the year. These terms run through the fall, winter, spring, and an optional summer term. During these quarters, students only take 3 to 4 courses, giving students a lighter workload compared to the semester system. These shorter terms also give students more flexibility with their schedules and make it easier for students to switch majors if necessary. If you decide to switch your major in a semester system, it is harder to transfer or add credits as you take many major-specific courses per semester. Some schools that use the quarter system are University of Chicago, Stanford University, the University of California System, and University of Washington. Some negative aspects to this system would be difficulty studying abroad and finding internships, as these both normally follow a semester schedule. 

Personally, I prefer the semester system. I think it’s efficient and allows you to really focus on your coursework and academics. However, one thing I think colleges should change in this system is the addition of mental health days or study days throughout the whole semester. Going to school for weeks on end with no holiday or break can be extremely draining and stressful, especially with a big workload. If colleges shorten their winter break by a few days or so, they can add those extra days into the semester as days off. This would help students tremendously with reducing the stress and pressure that is constantly put on them.

Isabel O'Neill

St. John's '22

I am a senior Adolescent Education major with a concentration in Spanish. I enjoy writing about pop culture, current events, important topics, and things that make me happy. You can find me shopping, at Chipotle or listening to Harry Styles :)