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Manifestation: Tips and Tricks to Create Your Best Life, from a Witch!

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

Have you ever dreamt of what your perfect life would look like? Maybe you would change your hair color, have the perfect partner or do better in school. It could be something really simple, or a drastic change that you’ve been wishing for. Well, I’m here to tell you that you can make it happen! The art of manifestation is a spiritual practice that allows an individual to craft their perfect, desired reality. If this sounds like something you want to learn about, then keep reading!

tip #1: meditation and grounding

The most important step in learning how to manifest is mastering the art of meditation. Meditation is a method used to ground yourself and your personal energy. After meditating,  you will find that you’ll have a clearer mind and enter a state of serenity. 

However, if you’re anything like me and your brain runs a mile a minute, it might be difficult to calm yourself down. Don’t fret! You don’t need to sit criss-cross on the floor and stay as still as a statue. Meditation comes in many forms! For example: if you like to draw, you can put on your headphones, pull out your sketchbook, and tap into your “zen”. Anything that you can think of that calms you down and makes you comfortable, do it! It all counts as a form of meditation.

tip #2: research, research, research!

One thing that I always tell people who are interested in spiritual practices is to do THOROUGH research. Try your hardest to not take information from people claiming to be “spiritual influencers” on platforms like TikTok or Instagram. Most of the time their information is not accurate! Their content is crafted specifically for gaining views and likes. Now, this isn’t to say everything you hear is fake. Sometimes you may find a creator that provides accurate information. You just need to be mindful of what you’re consuming and make sure to fact-check. Books on the subject of manifestation are always a good reference!

tip #3: think deeply about what you really want

Another key factor in manifestation is to be clear about what you want. It is easy to confuse wants versus needs. Is what you want truly right for you? This is where meditation and grounding comes in, these methods will help you to turn inwards and reflect upon what is really best for you. Be direct and clear in your intentions when manifesting.

tip #4: Journaling!

Meditation and journaling go hand-in-hand when it comes to manifestation. Journaling is another way to ground yourself and organize your thoughts. You can use this method to write freely or look up some prompts that get you thinking. Journaling will allow you to put your thoughts down on paper, which makes the manifestation eventually feel more real. You can dedicate a journal entirely to your wants and needs. Keeping them all together will help you keep track of your progress and assess what has worked for you.

tip #5: do what feels right for you!

A major factor of successful manifestation is to follow your gut! Doing what feels true to you will make your manifestations feel more authentic and more likely to come true for you. Don’t follow the crowd and create a life that will raise your energy!

Sara Fochi

St. John's '26

NYC | NJ i like to write. anthropology major. follow me on instagram :) @sarafochi_