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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

It’s that time of year again: time to make your schedule for next semester. Registering for classes can be stressful and tiring, but it doesn’t have to be. Below I’ve listed some things that have helped me make the perfect schedule and should help you as well:  

First, speak to someone about the courses you are interested in. Talking to people pursuing a similar major as me and speaking to current professors are 2 things that have always helped me gain insight about potential courses. In doing so, I know exactly what to expect from a certain course. 

Secondly, aim to have at least one free day with no classes. If this is possible, you should go for it. Having free days during the week has stopped me from spreading myself too thin. I find that these days act as days for me to tend to myself, whether it be self care, catching up with friends, or completing assignments due later in the week. 

Thirdly, make sure you take your day to day schedule outside of school into account. Don’t mistakenly overlap classes with work. Additionally, think of when you are most productive. If you are most productive in the morning, take a morning class. If you are most productive at night, take night classes. This way you will have the rest of your day to do as you please. 

Finally, take courses that interest you. If you are taking a class you enjoy, it will keep you interested. I’ve noticed that this has allowed me to do better and attain the grades I want. 

In summary, make sure you do your research into your potential classes, aim for free days, take your outside of school schedule into account, schedule your classes for when you are most productive, and take courses that interest you. I hope these tips help you make the perfect schedule. Following each has helped class registration go smoothly for me and has resulted in the perfect schedule time after time again.

Alysha Richards

St. John's '23

19| NY| Hello! My name is Alysha Richards and I am a junior at St. John's University in Queens. I am currently working towards a degree in Legal Studies, and a minor in Journalism. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me. Lover of all things Disney & Marvel.