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5 Ways To Fight Homesickness!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.

As temperature drops so do our spirts because we begin to feel the distance between us and our homes grow, even if we aren’t that far compared to others. We’re experiencing certain aches in our chest from missing our beds, pets, family, friends, or just the fact that we are no longer in a place that we are familiar with. Eventually the struggle wither away and you’ll be ready to conquer the world but for the time being ,instead of falling into a introverted coma and shutting yourself away from the world, here’s a few ways to keep yourself connected and not so home sick.  A mini health guide for the heart. 

1.When you are feeling down in the dumps it’s best to talk about it. Talk about things that you miss from home, things you liked, hated or currently crave. My personal struggle with homesickness being from California is that I am constantly craving In ‘n’ out. The worst part is that the one by my house just became 24 hour on the weekends right before I moved here. 

2.Make sure to get out and move, don’t lock yourself in doors all day. Even with the drop in temperature, just throw on a jacket and get outside but don’t be afraid to rest either. Don’t over work yourself to the point of exhaustion. 

3. Do things that make you happy! The best way to be happy is to make sure that you are making yourself happy.

4. Let me bring up in ‘n’ out again even though it doesn’t exist. The alternative for now is shake shack I suppose.  Food is the best way to feel better. The freshman 15 has to start somewhere.

5. If all else fails or you really need a reminder for how much people care about you just go ahead and call home. I’m sure everyone misses you too. 

Carissa is majoring in Mass Communications and has an idea to pursue a double major in Environmental Studies and a minor in Business all while advocating for animal rights and sustainable living!
Anai Perez

St. John's '17

Anai Perez is an alumna of Delta Phi Epsilon and St. John's University, currently working for the Department of Treasury. She is a lover of all animals (none more than her blue nosed pitbull, Blu) and a self proclaimed fangirl who's obsessed with Doctor Who, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Sailor Moon and Game of Thrones.