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Grey’s Anatomy Reaffirmed My Stance Towards Natural Body Hair

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Edward's chapter.

It’s common when girls reach the age of ~12 that they are given a razor and taught that they should shave their legs regularly. A few years later, they learn that they should do the same with their pubic hair. When I was 15, my boyfriend told me if he “was going to do anything down there, I better take care of it”. How romantic. Nothing to set the mood quite like a threat to shave my vagina or else. Looking back, I think it’s hilarious how he not once could say the word “vagina”, but was telling me how to keep mine. I didn’t take my ex’s words to heart, and I’ve never been insecure about letting my natural body hair grow. 

But I’m not oblivious to the fact that many people- boys and girls alike don’t share that same feeling. It’s your choice, but don’t let your romantic partner dictate that decision. 

Here’s my alter ego, Miranda Bailey, to say it better than I ever could.

“If a man can’t deal with a little nature, a little God, then that man has NO BUSINESS getting near my surgical field.

preach Bailey 

Hannah Saada

St Edward's '18

Hannah is passionate about gender equity and is a Marketing major at St. Edward's University. She's currently the President for HC at her university. Friends can attest she's a serious Netflix addict and 80s movies are close to her heart. When she's not binge watching a new show, you'll either catch her reading or laughing at terrible puns. [S]he's a righteous dude. Follow Hannah on Instagram at @han_saada