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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Edward's chapter.

Sara Sanchez, who is an English Writing and Rhetoric major, sports a look that has quickly become a closet staple. Two days after Austin’s polarvortex, the weather was just perfect to wear denim on denim- no layers necessary- and neon colored sandals to add a pop of color to Sara’s effortless look.

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Brooke Lewis

St Edward's

Brooke Lewis is a senior English Writing & Rhetoric major at St. Edward's University in Austin. She has one left semester left and plans to study journalism in graduate school, after graduation. She also is interning at The Austin American Statesman this semester, for the online department. Brooke has been obsessed with magazines since the 7th grade, when she created one with her friends and distributed it to the girls in her grade. Besides writing, Brooke enjoys playing the piano, hanging out with friends, and watching too much DVR'd television. Some of her favorite shows include Scandal, Nashville, Grey's Anatomy, and the Real Housewives franchise (quality television right there). Brooke is excited to be Co-Editor in Chief of St. Edward's chapter of Her Campus this semester!