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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

In our “new normal”, interviews via video-chat have reached new levels of prominence in the hiring process. Thinking back to my very first interview, there are certain things I wish I knew/thought about. In the hopes of alleviating some of your fears, I have made a mini guide on how to nail your video interview!

Dress for the Job You Want…Including Trousers

While your interviewer will only be able to see your top half, you should dress professionally from your head to your feet. Whilst I don’t love the idea of wearing heels while on a video call, I found that wearing them is a great confidence boost. It’s part of the “if I look the part, then I can do the part” mentality. Plus, if you do need to stand up, the interviewer won’t see your pajamas. 

Remove Distractions

Make sure that you are in a quiet place. Leave your phone and other electronics in another room and make sure people in your home/flat are aware that you are in an interview. I recommend going to a separate room where you can close the door because it further minimizes distractions for yourself and for the people you are interviewing with. The background of your screen should be as plain as possible. If you can’t blur your surroundings, make sure the area in the line of sight of your camera is clean and clear of clutter. A plain wall is always a good background, but if that is not possible, bookshelves make for a good background (and bonus points for looking like an intellectual).

Print Your Résumé/CV

While you can always look at it on your computer, it is very noticeable if your eyes are darting around the screen. Printing your résumé/cv means you can make notes on experiences or skills you want to highlight and it also allows you to have one point in which to direct your gaze. I always find a certain level of comfort in having it printed – it is a tangible thing that I can use to keep myself grounded. 

Check WiFi and Battery Levels

I was completing a video questionnaire when suddenly my video froze, but the countdown timer kept going. The WiFi decided to cut out at that exact moment. Luckily, I was able to re-answer the question, but the technical difficulty did throw me for the rest of the questionnaire. Always make sure your WiFi is operating at a good speed. If you can’t charge your computer during the interview, make sure it is fully charged and on the charger until you are ready. Technical mishaps happen to everyone, but if you do what you can to avoid them, it will spare you quite the headache. If it does happen, keep calm and do what you can to fix it. The interviewer will most likely be very understanding, but do your best to remain professional and panic-free.

Where do I look?

It is our natural human tendency to want to make eye contact with the people we converse with. However, when you’re on a video interview, making eye contact does not mean looking at the person on your screen. It means looking at your camera. This was the hardest part of the process for me. If it helps, put a brightly colored sticky-note next to your camera to draw your eyes to it. 

Maybe one day we will get back to in-person interviews. But until then, digital interaction is all we have, so we should do what we can and make the most of it!

Anne Lipsett

St. Andrews '22

Anne is a third-year Management and Modern History student at the University of St Andrews. Born and raised just south of Boston on the coast, she enjoys shell-fishing and paddle-boarding. At school, she is a member of the History and Management societies and a member of the Clay Pigeon team. When her nose isn’t buried in a Jane Austen novel, she loves to cook and work out. She loves adventure and enjoys travelling through Europe with her friends and boyfriend.
The University of St Andrews chapter of Her Campus!