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My Ex-Boyfriend Still Stalks Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Southern Miss chapter.

All of us have had that bad girlfriend or boyfriend where we look back and say, “What the hell was I thinking?”  He or she could have been anything from stupid to just insane… Or maybe nothing was wrong with that person, but you just do not know how or why you two were together. I have been there too.

My second boyfriend, ever was also my worst decision, ever. I was in my late teens, and felt desperate for a relationship. He was a sweetheart and looked pretty good; he was tall with dark hair and eyes that changed colors. I understand why I was attracted to him. What I do not understand is why I did not see how crazy he was.

He was pretty much obsessed with me when we started dating. I kind of liked that because it meant someone actually cared about me, right? Eventually he had to move away, and another guy tried to make a move on me. My boyfriend, being incredibly jealous and protective, threatened the new suitor. My stupid girl hormones told me that was a good thing. I still didn’t have any red flags going up.

Later, he told me that he that he was schizophrenic. Finally, something started telling me that this was a problem, but I said was willing to deal with it.  That was a bad decision.  I eventually broke up with him, mainly because I wanted and needed someone that wasn’t so far away.  I thought everything would go well, and that we would go our separate ways, never to see each other again.  I was wrong.  He now calls my phone frequently and might be coming to my school next year.  I just want him to move on, but he refuses to.  Now, I feel stuck.

Ladies and gentlemen, listen to your gut.  If your inner alarm goes off, pay attention.  Love may be blind, but a temporary lover could become a stalker in a moment’s notice. Be careful, and use good judgement, or you could end up with a story like mine.