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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Southampton chapter.

Name: Alex Walton

Year: 3rd
Hometown: Bath
Status: Single
Star sign: Virgo

Favourite colour: blue

Ultimate job: super army soldier

Craziest experience at Southampton University:
Taking a brick to the face at 4am on the common!

List 3 things you hope to achieve by the time you’re 30:
Achieve rank of Major, do an Ironman, finally find a stable relationship!

Tell us one thing about you that may surprise us:
I’ve played the piano since I was 7…

Ultimate summer experience:
Surfing in Indonesia

Favourite quote: Everything will be okay in the end. If its not okay, its not the end OR if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

I feel happiest when I’m playing polo

I think I am best at FIFA!

What annoys me the most is when people give up too easily!

Zoe Deschanel is my ultimate celebrity crush

Sophie Ellwood is a student of languages at Southampton University and a practioner of the arts. Heavily involved in film, music and the performing arts as a whole, she still finds time to work on her degree- just about! Whilst she has gained most experience in casting for independent and commercial projects, she is also working on her third feature film script. Her other interests include health and beauty, fashion, celebrity culture and psychology.
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Sian Williams
