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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.
CURE is an international Christian non-profit that provides physical and spiritual healing to handicapped and shunned children across the world. CURE administers funds and resources so that these children can afford a chance at a bright future…and students at USC have joined the effort.
Through CURE U, a branch of CURE that exists on university campuses across the US, students can integrate service and faith to bring help to kids with curable diseases.
“I believe that CURE international and CURE at USC are the most direct paths to changing the lives of so many deserving and underprivileged children around the world,” said Morgan Lorick, the Membership Coordinator for the CURE U chapter at USC. “We are bringing these shunned children back to their families and their people.”
Currently CURE U on campus is selling shirts to save a life. All proceeds go directly to the Cure Uganda Hospital. You can support the cause here! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1riQ5H7p86txESOT4bW1euJU2SXCMwIlwQA5sGC-cCdM/viewform 
“Every dollar raised gets us closer to impacting children born with horrible birth defects and helping them to run for the first time or closer to experiencing cultural normalcy for the first time,” said Awareness Director Mark Snoddy, “when in many circumstances children born with defects are seen as social pariahs.”
I'm energetic, outgoing and loud full time student at USC with a keen interest in Broadcast Journalism and all things NBA