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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

Whether you’re walking to class, working out, or doing your laundry, podcasts are the perfect thing to play. Personally, I’ve never been a huge fan — listening to music has always kept me busy — until I realized that podcasts have a lot more power than I’d thought in the past. I have found some that have completely altered the way that I look at life and how I choose to live mine. I’ve become more energetic, positive and grateful than I have ever been in my life, and I accredit it to these podcasts.

  1. The World’s First Podcast (Episode 35: How to build a life you don’t want to escape from) This is, hands-down, one of the best podcast episodes that I have come across. I found it extremely relevant for college students, like me, who have struggled with the way that alcohol consumption makes them feel. The hosts discuss the impacts of drinking, specifically related to anxiety and overall happiness. They provide tips for how to live a life that we love, making for an attention-catching episode. This was one of the first podcasts that opened my eyes up to realizing that putting one hour a day aside for myself to listen will have monumental effects on my attitude.
  2. The Skinny Confidential (Episode 314: Dean Graziosi on the power of mindset…) This “him & her” podcast, hosted by a husband and wife, invites author and entrepreneur Dean Graziosi to discuss how his mindset has led him to his success. The episode touches on how a strong mindset can build confidence and strength inside of you. He also talks about the difference between surviving and thriving in any environment. I walked away from listening to this podcast feeling empowered and prepared to take on the boatload of work that I had in front of me.
  3. Ed Mylett (Episode on 11/23/2021: Small habits, big results) Ed Mylett taps into science-based evidence to prove that every action and thought that we have is based off of a habit that we’ve created. Knowing this, creating the right habits (whether big or small) can change your entire life. My favorite example that he mentioned was someone who went to the gym everyday, but left after only a few minutes. After a while, they built up their time and eventually became extremely fit. Although they barely worked out at the start, the habit itself of waking up early to go to the gym changed their life. One habit that I started after listening to this podcast was journaling and writing daily gratitudes, which has given me a completely different outlook on my day.

Whether or not you perceive yourself as a “podcast junkie,” I urge you to listen to one of these episodes next time you find yourself with free time. I can assure you — one podcast and you will be hooked. There is nothing better than feeling truly happy and confident.

Sarah Heyman

South Carolina '24

Sarah is the social media manager and a writer for the South Carolina Her Campus chapter. She manages all social media and posts content for her chapter. Sarah also writes editorial articles regularly. Sarah is a senior at the University of South Carolina studying Marketing. In her free time, Sarah likes to work out, spend time with family, and try new foods.